Best MNRF Treatment Cost in Noida | Microneedling Radiofrequency for acne scars
Microneedling Radiofrequency

Radiofrequency Microneedling MNRF Treatment in Noida

Radiofrequency (RF) microneedling is the advanced version of the simple microneedling technique. It is a minimally-invasive cosmetic procedure wherein high-intensity radiofrequency energy (a high-frequency alternating electric current) is delivered through specially insulated needles into the targeted tissue as the needles break through the skin. It helps create micro-channels in the skin and provides uniform heating of the deep tissues. The heat is generated because of the body’s resistance to the flow of electric current which causes micro-oscillations of the charged particles. This induces the growth of new collagen fibers, leading to significant improvement in skin texture and quality. The tissues are tightened precisely at predetermined depths in the skin. The treatment can be used effectively on any skin type. At Skinlogics, the best team of dermatologists provides the best Radiofrequency Microneedling MNRF treatment in Noida for various types of skin and aesthetic issues.

Ideal candidates for MNRF

MNRF technique is a versatile cosmetic procedure for problematic skin. It is a safe technology recommended for people having the following indications:

  • Acne scars (rolling and box scars) or surgical/post-injury scars
  • Skin laxity; fine lines and wrinkles
  • Seborrhoea
  • Enlarged/ open pores
  • Striae distensae (stretch marks)
  • Transepidermal drug delivery
  • Photo-damaged/tanned or pigmented skin
  • Loose, sagging skin
  • Poor skin tone and texture
  • Axillary hyperhidrosis
  • Cellulite

Ideally, the candidate must be in good general health, have realistic expectations from the treatment, and have early signs of aging. To know if you are an ideal candidate for MNRF skin rejuvenation treatment in Noida, please feel free to get in touch with experts at Skinlogics.


  • Pregnancy.
  • Active skin infection like Herpes Simplex Virus infection.
  • Tendency to have cold sores, fever blisters, and any allergies.

  • Recent surgeries or peeling in the treatment areas.
  • An electronic implant fitted inside the patient’s body such as a pacemaker, Insulin pump, facial metal implant, and LVAD device.

  • History of hypertrophic scarring, keloids, or poor wound healing.
  • Receiving chemotherapy or other radiation therapies.
  • Moderate to severe skin diseases (like psoriasis).

How to prepare for MNRF treatment?

At the initial appointment, the candidacy of the patient is checked by reviewing their medical history, current intake of medications, and knowing their expectations. Photographs are clicked of the area to be treated to determine the best technique for the condition and the dermatologist provides pre-treatment instructions. MNRF treatment before and after results of other patients are also shown at the time of consultation. 

Prior to the treatment, the patient must share about any existing medical conditions and all current intake of medications/supplements (including both prescription and over-the-counter products) that can interfere with the results of the treatment.

The patient must strictly avoid alcohol and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or blood thinners as they may result in bruising/bleeding of the skin.

Skincare products containing salicylic acid must also be avoided. The candidate must discontinue the intake of Acc-utane for 6 months, NS-AIDs for 1 week, and R-etin-A-based product for 1 week prior to the scheduled procedure.

It is also recommended to not use self-tanning lotions or tanning beds for two weeks before the treatment. If the treatment site is the area having dental crowns, braces, caps, or dental implants then it would be more sensitive to the MNRF technique, hence the clinician may use a tongue depressor or a gauge to isolate the area and make the procedure more comforting for the patient. Moreover, the candidate is prescribed oral antibiotics to treat active acne breakouts and oral antiviral medication if the patient has a history of cold sores.

Details of MNRF Treatment Procedure

The MNRF procedure takes approximately an hour and may require the use of topical numbing cream or sometimes local anesthetic injection so that no pain or discomfort can be felt. Generally, here is what the patient can expect from the procedure:

  • A skin expert first cleans the skin using alcohol to avoid infection and then may numb the skin.
  • Next, the tip of the handheld microneedling device (i.e. the microneedling cartridge) is brought in contact with the epidermis. The machine is manually set at a specific power level, depth of needle insertion, and exposure time depending upon the indication and the site to be treated.
  • After the foot or finger switch of the device is pressed by the doctor, the microneedles automatically penetrate the skin. As a result, micro-fractional holes (i.e. tiny microscopic wounds) are created in the skin surface as well as the dermis.
  • Simultaneously, a shot of radiofrequency waves (i.e. bipolar RF energy) which are passed through the tip of the microneedles is given into the deep dermis inducing dermal coagulation. The tissues get coagulated because of the rise in temperature of dermal tissues to about 60 degrees. Single or multiple passes may be provided. When performing multiple passes, it is advised to first give a pass at a deeper level than following passes and reduce the power or exposure time as the needle moves up closer to the skin surface. At this step, the destructed collagen is regenerated and there is stimulation of synthesis of new collagen and elastin fibers which rejuvenates the skin over time.
  • Once the work of microneedles is over, they are automatically withdrawn from the site. The treated area is cleaned.

What can be expected after MNRF treatment?

  • It is normal for the patient to experience a certain degree of discomfort, skin irritation, and/or redness during and after the treatment for about 3 days.
  • After 24-72 hours of the treatment, tiny scabs of less than 1mm in diameter may form and remain for a couple of days. There may even be mild swelling in the treated area for 1-3 days.
  • The patient can achieve optimal results of the treatment typically after 3-6 months from the first session, and as the new skin collagen is produced the skin continues to improve in its appearance.
  • The exact time frame in which the results can be visualized depends upon the severity and type of the condition the patient wants to address. Mostly, 2-4 treatments after every 3-8 weeks are required to get desired MNRF results. The number of sittings needed is dependent upon the concern being treated and the skin’s response to it while the time interval between each session is dependent upon the severity of the condition and the type of RF microneedling that the patient needs to undergo. After the initial set of treatments, the patient can enjoy the desired skin appearance for about a year and would need touch-ups once a year to maintain the MNRF treatment results.

The dermatologist in Noida at Skinlogics makes sure that the patient is comfortable during the procedure and helps them achieve the best outcomes at maximum comfort.

Downtime of the MNRF procedure

The procedure is associated with minimal downtime. Depending on the intensity of the treatment required to treat skin concerns, it may take about a day or two for the skin to heal. However, after the treatment, the patient can immediately go back home and return to their normal routine.

Side effects/Complications

Side effects/Complications

Typically, RF microneedling technique is a tolerable treatment but still like any other cosmetic procedure it is associated with minor side effects that last for a few hours or days. These include:

  • Redness
  • Dryness
  • Itching
  • Scaling or crusting of the skin
  • Swelling
  • Pain
  • Breakout of cold-sores
  • Flare-ups of mild acne

Some possible complications, although rare, require prompt medical attention include:

  • Sign of infected skin
  • Prolonged bleeding
  • Skin bruising
  • Fatigue
  • Headache
  • Post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation
  • Persistent swelling or erythema (redness)
  • Allergic reaction to needles.

Taking care of skin post MNRF treatment

  • Apply ice packs to lessen swelling or discomfort to the irritated area 3-4 times per day as approximately 15 minutes sessions for 1-2 days.
  • Regularly wear non-comedogenic, broad-spectrum sunscreens with minimum SPF 30+ and avoid the use of sun tanning beds for at least two weeks post-treatment. The treated skin is extra sensitive to sunlight or UV radiation; hence it must be sun-protected.
  • Use prescribed emollients to soothe and hydrate the skin and topical antibiotics to prevent infection. Prescribed hydro-corti-sone creams can also be applied 3-4 times per day for 1-3 days to reduce skin redness.

  • Strictly follow the dermatologist's suggested skin care regimen.
  • Use a gentle cleanser.
  • Do not apply make-up for at least 24 hours.
  • Do not go for any salon procedure involving the use of harsh chemicals, steam, or fumes for a week.
  • Immediately notify the skin doctor if any discomfort, redness, or/and irritation persists for more than 24 hours or worsens.

  • Do not touch, pick, scratch, or rub the scabs with bare hands and allow them to shed naturally.
  • In the initial two days post-treatment, the treated site must not be traumatized (including chemical, thermal, or mechanical damage). Hence, it's recommended to avoid hot baths, saunas, massage, exfoliating or irritating skin care products, etc.
  • Moreover, the skin must be kept clean to prevent contamination and infection and be well-moisturized.
  • Avoid heavy exercise or sweating for a couple of weeks.


To know the microneedling treatment cost, please pay a visit to Skinlogics.

FAQs About Microneedling Radiofrequency

Yes, one can feel mild discomfort during the painful procedure, and to manage this anesthetic cream is also applied to minimize the discomfort.

The MNRF treatment cost in Noida depends on several factors:

  • The number of sessions provided.
  • Doctor’s experience.
  • Patient’s skin type and concerns to be addressed.

The treatment is not recommended for pregnant and even lactating females.

MNRF is an amazing and powerful way to make the skin appear rejuvenated and brighter. The treatment prompts the body to replace old, damaged skin with fresh new skin cells that helps to erase age spots, minimize wrinkles, and brighten the skin glow and complexion at the same time.

At Skinlogics, the MNRF treatment clinic in Noida, the best team of skin experts provides this amazing treatment using advanced instruments and following international protocols.

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