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Wrinkle removal treatment in noida

Aging is inevitable but signs of aging on the face can be delayed with the best Wrinkle removal treatments in Noida available at Skinlogics!

  • Wrinkles are a natural part of the skin aging process and are observed more on areas such as neck, face, hands and arms. These appear like creases and folds on the skin and are seen more in people getting older. Exposure to sun is the main cause of wrinkles especially for people having lighter skin. Although genetics determine the tone and texture, sun exposure is considered to be the main cause of wrinkles. Pollution and smoking could also contribute to having wrinkles in young age groups.
  • Wrinkles appear on the face when the skin starts becoming thinner and less elastic. One can smooth them and make them less observable by opting for some of the most effective & safe dermatological treatments provided by the skin specialist at Skinlogics. The doctor can recommend the best suitable treatment options after thoroughly analyzing the skin or provide a customized treatment plan if multiple procedures are needed to be combined.

What are wrinkles?

Wrinkles are a natural part of the skin aging process and are observed more on areas such as neck, face, hands and arms. These appear like creases and folds on the skin and are seen more in people getting older. Exposure to sun is the main cause of wrinkles especially for people having lighter skin. Although genetics determine the tone and texture, sun exposure is considered to be the main cause of wrinkles. Pollution and smoking could also contribute to having wrinkles in young age groups.

Wrinkles appear on the face when the skin starts becoming thinner and less elastic. One can smooth them and make them less observable by opting for some of the most effective & safe dermatological treatments provided by the skin experts at Skinlogics. The doctor can recommend the best suitable treatment options after thoroughly analyzing the skin or provide a customized treatment plan if multiple procedures are needed to be combined.

What causes wrinkles?

Wrinkles can be caused by the factors mentioned below. Some of those can be controlled by us while some can’t.

  • Age
    With growing age, the skin has a tendency to become less elastic and weaker. The natural oil dries in the skin due to decrease in production and makes the skin wrinkled. The fat present beneath the skin diminishes which makes the skin saggy and more-pronounced lines become visible.
  • Exposure to UV light
    This is one of the factors which speeds up the process of aging and is a cause of wrinkling. It breaks down the collagen fibres present beneath the skin. The skin begins to lose its strength as well as flexibility. This makes the skin sag and wrinkle prematurely.
  • Smoking
    Smoking is another factor that contributes to wrinkles. It accelerates the normal process of ageing by increased production of certain enzyme that speeds up collagen breakdown. Vertical lip lines, wrinkles around the mouth and crow’s feet (wrinkles in the corner of the eyes) are commonly observed in those who smoke.
  • Repeated Facial Expressions
    Facial expressions such as smiling, frowning and other facial expressions also cause fine lines as well as wrinkles. Lines between the eyebrows on the forehead might develop due to muscle contraction.

What are the types of Wrinkles?

The two types of wrinkles are as below:

  • Dynamic Wrinkles
    Dynamic wrinkles are formed during facial motions such as frowning, squinting, smiling etc. Dynamic wrinkles are more visible on areas such as eyebrows, around the mouth, around the eyes etc. The most effective way to treat Dynamic wrinkles is by doing neurotoxin treatment. This helps to relax the facial muscles which lead to fine lines and wrinkles.
  • Static Wrinkles
    Static wrinkles are caused due to loss of collagen and elasticity which results in normal ageing. Another reason is continued muscle movement for several years under the skin. Static wrinkles appear commonly in the nose, cheeks or the mouth. The most efficient way to address static wrinkles is with dermal fillers, which is a non-surgical treatment and is proven to be effective in smoothening and decreasing the appearance of wrinkles. Dermal fillers help to provide complete facial rejuvenation in order to achieve a more youthful and radiant appearance. It requires minimal to no recovery time which means that one can get this filler treatment done in lunch hours. The results obtained from fillers last for around 9 months to 2 years on an average, depending on the type and amount of filler being used and on the area it is being used.

Who are the ideal candidates for anti-wrinkle treatment?

One may be a suitable/ideal candidate for the treatment if he/she:

  • Has a positive mindset and realistic goals in mind for improving the appearance of skin. 
  • Is physically healthy.
  • Is devoted to maintaining the health of the skin. 
  • Is above 18 years of age.
  • Wishes to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles and get a smooth skin.
Wrinkle Removal Treatment in Noida

What results can be expected after Anti-wrinkle Treatment?

In 4-7 days after the treatment, one will notice a reduction in the appearance of the wrinkles. The best results are noticed two weeks post-treatment.

To enhance the effects and diminish the appearance of wrinkles, muscle relaxant injections (popularly known as anti-wrinkle injections) can be combined with other procedures such as chemical peels, laser treatment, dermal fillers, or microdermabrasion. The combination of these treatments help in the prevention of new wrinkles and fine lines.

There is no downtime or recovery time with anti-wrinkle injections that are provided at Skinlogics. After the procedure, one can immediately resume regular activities. To protect the skin from UV damage, use sunscreen regularly. There may be some redness and swelling at the treated area, but this normally goes away after a few hours.

How to plan for an anti-wrinkle treatment?

  • The patient must consult the doctor first and share their medical history. 
  • If the patient has any medical problem, that needs to be discussed with the doctor beforehand. 
  • Allergies and infections should be checked prior to the procedure. If not checked properly, it might be a matter of risk. 
  • Skin must not be tanned, and a good sunscreen (that protects against both UVA & UVB) should be applied starting from a month before the procedure before going out in the sun.

What are different types of Wrinkle Removal Treatment in Noida?

Wrinkle Removal Treatment in Noida

  • Anti-wrinkle Injection
    This is one of the most promising procedures to treat wrinkles. It uses a neurotoxin (refined protein) that temporarily relaxes the muscles responsible for causing wrinkles. The procedure involves injections to be injected at the treated area, which automatically numbs the muscles, blocks contraction, and temporarily smoothens the wrinkles. The effects can last for 6-12 months depending on various factors and can be repeated to continue enjoying the benefits.

  • Dermal Fillers
    Dermal fillers are injected beneath the skin to fill up the hollows that cause the appearance of skin folds like nasolabial folds, marionette lines etc. It works by plumping the skin thus making the lines & folds disappear. So, this will not correct deep wrinkles that can be done only with anti-wrinkle injections. Dermal Fillers are also commonly used for facial contouring or reshaping such as for lip & cheek augmentation.

  • Laser Resurfacing
    Laser helps to remove the outermost layer of the skin and stimulate collagen production, thereby giving firmer, younger-looking skin. 

  • Ultrasound Therapy
    Ultrasound energy is used as a non-surgical alternative to surgical facelift. This helps both in tightening & lifting of the skin. Commonly treated areas include the face, neck, and chin.

  • Chemical Peels
    This treatment is effective only for fine lines and mild wrinkles or to delay the signs of aging. Generally, deep chemical peels such as phenol are used to smoothen the fine lines. The depth of the peels can be determined after examining the person’s skin and analyzing the extent of signs of aging on the face. It must be ensured that chemical peels are performed under the supervision of qualified doctors.

  • Microneedling Radiofrequency
    This treatment is quite popular as a skin rejuvenation treatment as it provides multiple benefits. Microneedling device causes very tiny controlled injuries in the skin thus activating the body's natural healing process. Additionally, with radiofrequency it helps in tightening the skin. Apart from fine lines, wrinkles & skin laxity this treatment is also effective for scar reduction, open pores reduction & skin tone improvement.

  • Microdermabrasion
    It is a very minimally-invasive and commonly used skin renewal/ rejuvenation treatment that helps in improving skin tone & texture. It uses a special device to gently abrade (scrape away) the damaged skin layer. Thus revealing a healthier, smoother and brighter skin.

FAQ's About Wrinkle removal treatment in noida

Anti-wrinkle Injection:

  • No downtime is needed but strenuous activities and contact sports should be avoided for a week or as recommended by the cosmetic physician. 

  • Massaging or rubbing of the injection site should be avoided.

Dermal Fillers:

  • After getting this procedure, one might observe some swelling and temporary numbness. It is advised to use ice to soothe the skin. 

  • Massaging or rubbing of the injection site should be avoided.

Anti-aging Laser:

  • Skin must be kept moist and broad-spectrum sunscreen must be used to avoid pigmentary disorders.

  • Skin should be washed thoroughly and on a regular basis but without aggressive rubbing action. 

  • The doctor may suggest using an antibiotic cream on the treated area for a few days.

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